Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

resolution in 2011

we are in the end of the year now
what is going on in 2010 maybe can be something to learn

yes we actually learn from the past
to make better in the future

in 2010
lot of happen in that year

like a wheel somehow in top then beneath
all of things just part of life which is circle

yeah its 2010
the year that is gratify but displease

then for 2011
wanna changes lot of things
become better and better

be mature to thinks
solve the problems not ran away from
changes status if God wishes :p
don't be lazy

and finally
"renungkan masa lalu hadapi masa depan

Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

simfoni mendung

each person is unique and irreplaceable
everyone got his own features and skill

we're all alike but still deeply different
if you think it over, it;s anything but unfair..

it's the reason for which it's worth to exist and be friend
because of this, every one of us has something special..